Friday 20 December 2013

10 Reasons Why ‘Mr. Narendra Modi’ Should be Next Prime Minister of India

After a extended time, India is on the edge of choosing a statesman who is just fit to be the Prime Minister of India. As per me Mr. Narendra Modi is a priest in Politics who is truthfully honest, obedient & devoted to Indian State. He has no goal to amass wealth as it is not his aim of life. He shall be a grand Prime Minister of India as he has succeeded well in ruling Gujarat which he shall duplicate all over India. He is an able superintendent which shall be good for India. Mostly he shall bring good governance all over India. As per me below are few things which he shall bring to Indian politics & supremacy, when he becomes Prime Minister of India. 

1)  In last 9 –10 years of UPA governance, they have given so a lot of scams to India, that UPA has become identical with corruption, whether it is Coal scam, 2G Spectrum Scam or Commonwealth Games Scam, list of scams is so long. I think when Mr. Narendra Modi becomes Prime Minister of India, he shall not only penalize the guilty in these scams but also shall give good governance so that such scams do not occur again in India. 

2)  Mr. Narendra Modi has succeeded well in bringing lot of Indian, as well as, Foreign savings in Gujarat through his great financial policies. I think when he becomes Prime Minister of India, he shall replicate that financial model all over India which shall revive the Indian economy greatly. In his rule, quick economic growth shall take place through industrialization, investment and encouragement of Indian Growth Story.

3)  Mr. Narendra Modi is a strict, honest & restricted man in his personal and work life. In his government rule all over India, we shall get efficient delivery of services in administration Departments, as he has made it delivered all over Gujarat now. He shall bring clearness and accountability in all the Government Departments, which shall lead to better services being delivered by Government employees. 

4)   Mr. Narendra Modi himself is a honest person & he has no inclination to amass & hoard money / wealth in his life. So he shall bring back hidden wealth stacked by corrupt people in Swiss Banks. 

5)  There is lot of corruption in India & lot of sleaze, bribe is involved in defence deals & other government deals. I think when Mr. Narendra Modi becomes Prime Minister of India, he shall stop such sleaze in defence & other deals, which shall save lot of Tax Payers money that goes in wrong hands as bribe. 

6)   Mr. Narendra Modi knows that the pulse of India is its Youth & he also knows that millions of young people in India are unemployed right now. When he becomes Prime Minister of India, then he shall generate lot many jobs by economic revival of India & shall help in creating employment, job creation for the youth of India. 

7)   Mr. Narendra Modi is a strict disciplinarian. When he becomes Prime Minister of India, then he shall ensure & manage efficient delivery of justice in courts. He shall also ensure & manage to expedite greatly the “Justice Delivery Time” due to his efficient administration. 

8)   Mr. Narendra Modi is a down to earth, simple person, who knows intricacies of rural India. When he becomes Prime Minister of India he shall ensure the development of rural India & ensure that farmers of India get the best prices for their produce in the fields. India shall have a second Green Revolution under him which shall make Indian farmers rich. 

9)   Mr. Narendra Modi is a great strategist & a master of politics. When he becomes Prime Minister of India, I think he shall give a new meaning to External Affairs, Foreign Policy of India. As per me, he shall have a tough stand against Pakistan & China who are always creating some sort of trouble for India, which shall be good for India. 

10)  Mr. Narendra Modi shall promote social causes greatly & I think, in his rule, we shall get primary education, health, agriculture, rural development, science and technology, energy, urban development, social justice and empowerment, food and civil supplies to the people's satisfaction. 

So seeing the honesty & dedication of Mr.Narendra Modi to serve India through the core of his heart, let’s choose him to be our Next Prime Minister of India, as that is only good for India.

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